Love Story Lightroom Presets (XMP/ACR, DNG)

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Love Story Lightroom Presets: Chất lượng cao hoàn hảo cho các blogger, du lịch, phong cách sống và chụp ảnh chân dung.

Xem thêm: Dark and Moody Collection – Dark & Moody Lightroom Presets (XMP)

Đặc trưng:

  • 7 Professional Lightroom Presets Mobile in XMP Format
  • 2 PDF of instructions for Installation and Usage Photos on the preview are used for demonstration purposes only. All used photos have Creative Commons license, and were taken from Unsplash, Paxels.
  • 7 Professional Lightroom Presets Mobile in DNG Format

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Upload luoi meo
Hostname Google Drive (ZIP/XMP/DNG)
File size 11.7 MB

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